To deliver effective and efficient services through the different departments and offices to improve the economic growth and achieve the best quality of life of every Quirinians.
“Quirino a center of Agri-ecotourism and Trade and Industry, Sustained by Empowered, Healthy and Peaceful Community inspired by Responsible and God-Loving Leaders”
Government Unit’s, National Government Agencies and other stakeholders, promote equality services through delivery of basic services to marginalized sector.
2. Promote business opportunities through skills training.
3. Preserve natural resources through responsible legislative measures and community.
4. Alliance building through net working with Local Government Unit.
5. Preserve Cultural Heritage through Cultural presentation.
6. Enhance agriculture production through the adoption of new
technologies and provision of subsidy to farmers.
7. Promote Tourism through information, preservation, conservation and development of historical and tourist spots.
8. Provide basic infrastructures in health, agriculture and education.
9. Enhance productivity in local administration through the adoption of computer-based local administrative system.
10. Improve people’s participation in governance through consultation.